ENSEK Job Applicant Privacy Notice
Date of publication: 16-05-2024
This privacy notice is addressed to the types of individuals listed below (the data subjects). PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU READ THIS NOTICE.
1.1 Job Applicants
(1) This privacy notice applies to individuals who are applying for or are being considered as candidates for a job with us.
(2) We are a controller in respect of your data.
1.2 Not Listed?
(1) We have separate privacy notices for staff, contractors, and the public.
(2) These are available on request.
1.3 Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please contact our HR team in the first instance, and then our data protection officer if your question has not been resolved.
This privacy notice explains what personal data we hold about you, how we collect it, how we use it, who we share it with, and what your rights are. We are required to notify you of this information, under data protection legislation. Set out below are some general points to note before reading further.
2.1 What is the applicable law?
(1) This document is a privacy notice is published to comply with Article 13 and Article 14 of the UK GDPR.
(2) You can find out more information through the useful links section of this document.
2.2 What is our commitment as controller?
(1) The controller of your data is the person ultimately responsible for the processing of your data.
(2) As the controller of your data, we are committed to complying with our legal obligations as controller of your personal data, and to transparency about what we use your data for.
(3) Our legal obligations are set out in: the UK GDPR and DATA PROTECTION ACT 2018 (supplements the UK GDPR).
(4) As controller, we comply with the DATA PROTECTION PRINCIPLES when gathering and using personal information. We seek to ensure that our information collection and processing is always proportionate.
(5) We will inform you of any material changes to information we collect or to the purposes for which we collect and process it.
2.3 Recruitment Agents
(1) If you apply for a role with us through a third party recruiter, then they will also process your data in accordance with their own privacy notice.
(2) They will be the data controller for their processing, and we will be the data controller for our processing.
(3) Please contact them to ask for a copy of their privacy notice.
2.4 Must you provide data?
(1) We need you to provide the personal data, in order to operate the recruitment process, verify your identity and right to work, check your background, obtain references, and assess your suitability, and negotiate any employment contract.
(2) If you do not provide the personal data we reasonably ask for, we may terminate the recruitment process.
2.5 No automated decision making
We do not use automated decision-making tools or processes to arrive at employment related decisions.
2.6 Contracts
When we refer to a contract in this privacy notice, we mean the employment contract you are applying for.
2.7 Processor and Controller
This privacy notice sets out whether we, or any person we transfer your data to, are: (a) controller (ultimately responsible); (b) processor (handle data for someone else).
The controller (or where applicable, processor) of your data is ENSEK LTD, and our contact details are set out blow.
3.1 Our Company Name
3.2 Our Company Number
UK Companies House: 07167027
3.3 Our Country of Registration
England and Wales
3.4 Our Registered Office
(1) Hounds Gate, 30-34 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, England, NG1 7AB.
(2) This is also our postal address and head office.
3.5 Our Website
3.6 Our Careers Email
3.7 Our HR Email
3.8 Data Protection Email
3.9 Our Data Protection Officer
Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted through the email address provided above
This section lists what data we hold about you in connection with your job application.
4.1 Assessments
Assessments, opinions, judgements, and decisions made in respect of your job application and suitability for the job.
4.2 Application
Your application details, including cover letter, and the location and role applied for.
4.3 Academic History
Information about your academic history, including schools and higher education, degrees and post-graduate education, and vocational training.
4.4 Biography
Biographical details, including hobbies, interests, and background, from your CV.
4.5 Claims
Information relating to any legal claims made by you in connection with your recruitment for use in dealing with and defending or settling those claims.
4.6 Contact Details
(1) Your contact details.
(2) Your personal and work email addresses.
(3) Your personal and work telephone and mobile numbers.
4.7 CV
The information contained in your CV, including employment and education history, and leisure, interests, skills, and hobbies.
4.8 CCTV
(1) You may be captured on CCTV if you visit our premises.
(2) There is CCTV located in the main building reception and the car park. It is operated by the landlords of the building.
(3) There is CCTV located in our communications room, where our servers and other equipment are located. This is operated by ourselves.
4.9 Employment History
(1) Your employment history.
(2) You previous employers and your role with those previous employers.
(3) Start and end dates of previous employments.
(4) Salary, benefits, and notice period with current / previous employer.
4.10 Health
Information regarding your health, medical conditions, disabilities, if included in your CV, or where needed in order to make appropriate adjustments and arrangements for interviews to account for these.
4.11 Identity Details
(1) Your name, home location, address, date of birth, and age.
(2) Your image, in photographic form, if you chose to provide it in your CV or in our online application system.
(3) We use these at the interview stage simply to establish initially who is applying for the role. Full verification checks are carried out if you are offered the job.
4.12 Recruitment Agency
(1) The recruitment agency you were introduced through.
(2) Any other channel you were introduced or applied through.
4.13 References
(1) Details of your referees.
(2) If you are offered the job, then we may also take up and store references.
4.14 Right to work
(1) Information about your right to work in the country where the role is based.
(2) At the interview stage this is to give us an indicative view.
(3) If you are offered the job, then we will also ask for proof (including your share code from HMRC).
4.15 Social Media
Details about you from your LinkedIn account as published by you, to help us prepare for interviews with you and assess you for the role applied for.
4.16 Skills and Qualifications
Your professional qualifications, skills, and experience.
4.17 Tests and Assessments
Tests and assessments we administer with you, to test your skills and capabilities, including scores.
This section sets out how we obtain your data.
5.1 From Forms You Complete
(1) We obtain it from forms you complete.
(2) You may have provided it through a job application form online.
(3) You may have provided it through an online job board or other third party recruitment service (such as LinkedIn jobs).
(4) You may have provided it in a computer file you have filled in.
(5) You may have provided it through a paper form you have completed.
5.2 From Your Messages and Documents
(1) We obtain it from any CV you provide, or from any other documents or documentary evidence you provide, such as passports and proofs of address, identity and right to work.
(2) We obtain it also from emails and written messages you send to us (including enquiries you may send about jobs and placements).
(3) We obtain it from your public LinkedIn account.
5.3 From Conversation With You
We obtain it from conversation with you, which may include phone calls, video calls, interviews, emails, and instant messaging.
5.4 From A Recruitment Professional
We obtain data from a recruitment professional that was involved in your recruitment with us, or who put you forward as a candidate.
5.5 From Our Own Staff
We may obtain information about you where our own staff provide us with your CV and/or other details, as part of any referral scheme we operate internally.
5.6 From Third Parties
We may obtain information about you from the following third parties:
(1) Recruitment professionals involved in your recruitment with us.
(2) Our own staff referring you as a potential job candidate.
5.7 Verification By Third Parties
Also, if you are offered the job, we may obtain information from third parties for verification purposes including:
(1) HMRC
(2) Home Office
(3) Referees.
To be able to process your data we need to have a lawful basis for doing so under the law.
6.1 Contract
(1) We need to use your data to enter into or perform a contract with you.
(2) This includes entering into and performing any employment contract or service contract.
6.2 Criminal Records
(1) We only process criminal convictions if you are awarded the job.
(2) We carry out background checks on all our staff, covering criminal convictions, credit check, global watch list , electoral roll, and 5 years address and employment history.
(3) This is because our business handles a lot of security sensitive data, and can access smart meters.
(4) This will be covered by our employee privacy notice.
6.3 Legal Obligation
We need to do so to comply with a legal obligation or exercise a legal right. This could be a statute.
6.4 Our Legitimate Interest
(1) We do so for our "legitimate interests".
(2) This is flexible ground which we must prove.
(3) It requires a judgement on our part, but is typically doing something you would normally expect, or there is a compelling justification.
(4) You have a right to object if you don't agree with our judgement (see later in this notice), and we must stop if it is clear you have overriding reasons for asking us to stop.
(5) Most of our processing would fall within the following legitimate interests in the field of recruitment: (a) to verify your identity, address, history, suitability, reliability and right to work; (b) to operate a fair recruitment process; (c) to make an informed decision and select the right person for our business; (d) to operate our equal opportunities obligations and policies; (e) to comply with legal obligations and carry out statutory background and right to work checks / provide data to third parties as required by law; (f) to insure our business.
6.5 Sensitive Data
(1) More restrictive rules apply to sensitive data about "racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person; data concerning health; and data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation".
(2) We can only process it for one of the following reasons: (a) Employment Law - The processing is in the field of employment and social security and social protection law and be authorised by law; (b) Occupational Health - The processing is necessary for preventative or occupational medicine, assessing your fitness to work, provision of health or social care; (c) Public Data - You placed the data into the public domain intentionally; (d) Claims - The processing is needed to make or defend a legal claim; (e) Consent - If none of the above apply, you have given a clear explicit and informed consent to the specific use.
(3) In your case, we only process health data, for the purposes of assessing your fitness to work and any reasonable adjustments we may have to make if you have a disability.
6.6 Your Consent
(1) If the above do not apply, we would need to get your consent to the specific use.
(2) This could be an explicit documented consent, or it could be implicit because you have requested some action to be taken involving your data.
6.7 Your Interests
(1) We need to do so, to protect you vital interests.
(2) This could include care for your health and safety.
This part sets out the key purposes we use your data for.
7.1 Administration
PURPOSE | To administer the recruitment process.
EXAMPLES | (1) Keeping a record of your application. (2) Arranging and holding interviews, making decisions, informing you and keeping records. (3) Auditing our recruitment and other processes and reviewing decisions made.
LAWFUL BASIS | (1) Contract- Preparing for a contract with you. (2) Legitimate Interest- Operating a fair and well run recruitment process.
7.2 Assessment
PURPOSE | To make an assessment of your suitability and a decision as to your appointment.
EXAMPLES | (1) Considering your skills, experience, and qualifications. (2) Assessing your general aptitude and attitude and personal qualities. (3) Comparing you with other applications.
LAWFUL BASIS | (1) Contract- Preparing for a contract with you. (2) Legitimate Interest- Operating a fair and well run recruitment process.
7.3 Contacting You
PURPOSE | Contacting you and your next of kin.
EXAMPLES | (1) We may contact you by letter, email, or phone where appropriate in relation to your application. (2) We may arrange interviews and inform you of the outcome at all stages.
LAWFUL BASIS | (1) Contract- To enter into an employment or services contract with you. (2) Legitimate Interest- To properly deal with your application.
7.4 Entitlement to Work
PURPOSE | (1) To record your entitlement to work, but without verifying it at the interview stage. (2) If you are offered employment, then we may also require proof of your entitlement to work.
LAWFUL BASIS | Legitimate Interest- To ensure that we are lawfully employing our staff.
7.5 Health and Fitness To Work
PURPOSE | (1) At the interview stage we would use health data to make reasonable adjustments for interviews. (2) If you are offered the job, then we would process health data to assess fitness to work and make reasonable adjustments in the workplace.
EXAMPLES | (1) To assess your medical conditions and allergies. (2) To assess any disabilities and reasonable adjustments we may need to make.
7.6 Identity
PURPOSE | (1) To record your identity and address, but without verifying this at the interview stage. (2) If you are offered the job, then we may verify your identity and address and require proofs of this.
EXAMPLES | If we verify your identity, we may check identity documents, such as a passport and driving licence, and check your address, including through utility bills.
LAWFUL BASIS | (1) Contract- To enter into and perform an employment or services contract with you. (2) Legitimate Interest- To know who our candidate is and where they can be contacted in relation to the application. (3) To inform our relevant managers of your application.
7.7 Recruitment Agents
PURPOSE | (1) To recruitment agents who introduced you, to let them know the outcome and pay them any commission due. (2) To verify the applicability of any restriction periods preventing us engaging you directly.
LAWFUL BASIS | Legitimate Interest- To be able to use recruitment agents to find staff.
7.8 References
PURPOSE | To capture reference details Assessing your suitability for the role you applied for.
EXAMPLES | (1) Obtaining references from your referees. (2) Sharing those references with managers responsible for interviewing you and making decisions. (3) Reviewing those references to assess your suitability and prepare for interviews with you
LAWFUL BASIS | (1) Contract- To prepare for entering into a contract with you. (2) Legitimate Interest- To be able to fairly judge your suitability for the role, and against other candidates.
This section details who we may share your information with. We will normally share in confidence unless the law requires otherwise
8.1 Auditors
PURPOSE | (1) We may share your personal data with any third party that is auditing our business and controls, including our security measures and operational controls, for the purposes of evidence, but only to the extent reasonably required for such evidence. (2) It will be shared securely, and under a non-disclosure agreement; and is shared normally to the auditors secure evidence repository.
RECEIVED AS | They use it as our sub-processor, to provide audit services to us.
8.2 Background Check Providers
PURPOSE | We will share your information with background check providers (currently Experian) to the extend necessary for them to carry out background checks such as: (a) criminal records; (b) credit; (c) electoral roll, world watch list, and address and employment history.
RECEIVED AS | (1) They use it as our sub-processor, or provide the background check information to ourselves. (2) A credit search may also go on your credit record and they will do this as controller.
8.3 Other Staff
PURPOSE | (1) We may share your information where relevant with other staff who are to be involved in interviewing you or making decisions on your employment. (2) If you are successful we may share your information with our HR staff to commence your joining process with us.
RECEIVED AS | They will receive it in their capacity as our staff.
8.4 Recruitment Agents
PURPOSE | To recruitment agents who introduced you, to let them know the outcome and pay them any commission due.
RECEIVED AS | They will receive it as data controller, and will let you have a privacy notice if legally required.
8.5 Referees
PURPOSE | To your referees as needed to provide us with a reference.
RECEIVED AS | They will receive it as data controller, and will let you have a privacy notice if legally required.
Your data is kept in the systems referred to below. We no longer keep any paper records and all of your data is created, stored, and retained electronically.
9.1 Recruitment System - Team Tailor
(1) We use the recruitment cloud service provided by Team Tailor to store your CV and application details and track your application.
(2) Your CV is shared securely from Team Tailor to staff who will be involved in your recruitment only.
9.2 Microsoft 365 and SharePoint
(1) ENSEK uses Microsoft 365, Exchange, and SharePoint for its general email, messaging, document creation, document storage and document sharing.
(2) Your personal data may appear there in an ad-hoc form where you are referenced in any emails or meetings in connection with your recruitment, including emails and contacts from you about placements and recruitment which may be stored in Microsoft systems.
This section covers our retention policy.
10.1 General Principle
We will only use your data for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it is processed.
10.2 Archiving Period - Unsuccessful Applicants
(1) If you are not successful, then we will retain a copy of your data for 18 months after the end of the recruitment process, and we will not use it except: (a) if you re-apply for the same role, or apply for a different role; (b) to check whether we are outside any restrictions preventing us from recruiting you directly and not through a recruitment agency; (c) to maintain evidence in case of claims.
(2) You can ask us to keep your CV on file longer than this, but we reserve the right to delete it at any time.
10. 3 Archiving Period - Successful Applicants
If you are successful, then our full employee privacy notice will apply and you will be informed of that separately, which has a 7 year retention period from the end of your employment.
10.4 Archiving Period | CCTV
CCTV recordings are held for 30 days, unless a recording is needed for evidence in relation to an incident that has happened, in which case we may hold the data for as long as may be reasonably required for that incident.
This section covers our security measures.
11.1 General Principle
(1) We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way.
(2) In particular we have the following measures to keep your data secure.
11.2 ISO 27001
We are certified to and aim to keep certified to ISO 27001, which requires us to have a security management system, and to maintain a wide range of security controls. See ISO 27001
11.3 ISO 27701
We are also certified to and aim to keep certified to ISO 277001, which is an extension to ISO 27701 for privacy information management. See ISO 27701
11.4 SOC
We have our security controls audited independently by an auditor under the SOC (service organisation controls) audit standards, as well as under the smart energy code, the retail energy code, and other standards.
11.5 Data Breach
(1) We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach affecting your data.
(2) We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.
11.6 Other Measures and Controls
(1) The above standards and audits require and examine all our security and privacy measures and controls, which we have in place to protect against unauthorised use, access to, change to, or disclosure of your data, against viruses and other malicious software, and against unauthorised access to our equipment, offices, networks, cloud systems, and databases.
(2) These measures and controls cover areas such as office access controls, equipment log-in, cloud system log-in and associated roles and permissions, network and access monitoring, staff training, management, staff background checks, usage monitoring, anti-virus and other protective software and devices, and data segregation and encryption.
11.7 System Providers
Individual system providers listed in this document have their own separate security and controls with respect to your data in their systems, and we consider these prior to using those systems.
11.8 Cloud First
We operate on a "cloud first" basis, which means that your data is stored in secure and reputable cloud systems, rather than at any offices of ours.
11.9 Access Controls
We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it.
11.10 Proportionate and Confidentially
Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised and proportionate manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
This section covers your rights in relation to our processing of your data.
12.1 Introduction
(1) You have the following rights in relation to our processing of your personal data, but please note that these rights may be subject to conditions and exceptions set out in the law.
(2) If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact the head of human resources or our data protection officer.
(3) If you are not sure, just email us using our contact details in this document.
12.2 Our Service Providers
If you ask for the following, we are obliged to pass this request down to the providers of the systems we use and anyone else we use to process your data, as needed. See Article 19 of the UK GDPR.
12.3 Right to be informed
(1) You have the right to be informed if your data is being used.
(2) This document is how we are informing you.
(3) See Article 13 and Article 14 of the UK GDPR.
12.4 Right to withdraw consent
If any processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. Just email using our contact details in this document.
12.5 Right to stop direct marketing
You have the right to stop direct marketing at any time.
12.6 Right to a copy
(1) You have a right to an update of the information in this document.
(2) You also have a right to a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
(3) See Article 15 - Paragraph 3 of the UK GDPR.
(4) You have the right to ask for your data in a computer readable for, so that you can use it elsewhere.
(5) See Article 20 of the UK GDPR.
12.7 Right to a correction
(1) You have the right to request correction of your data (a right to rectification).
(2) See Article 16 of the UK GDPR.
12.8 Right to erasure
(1) You have the right to request erasure of your data (also known as the right to be forgotten).
(2) However, there are a range of exceptions to this, which mean that we do not have to erase your data if there are good reasons for retaining a copy of it.
(3) See Article 17 of the UK GDPR.
12.9 Right to restriction
(1) You have the right to request that we stop using your data for some purposes.
(2) There are conditions that apply.
(3) This means that we might still hold your data, but we would be stopped from using it for certain purposes.
(4) See Article 18 of the UK GDPR.
12.10 Right to object to legitimate interests
(1) If the legal basis for our using your personal data is a "legitimate interest", or we are using your data to market to you, then you can object to the processing.
(2) See Article 21 of the UK GDPR.
(3) We must stop the processing, unless we can show that our interests should take precedence over yours.
12.11 Automated Decision Making
(1) If we are making important decisions about using a compute, without any human involvement, then you can ask us to stop, subject to conditions.
(2) See Article 22 of the UK GDPR.
12.12 Right to complain
(1) We hope that our head of human resources and data protection officer can resolve any quey or concern you have about our use of your personal data or your rights.
(2) In any case, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner at any time.
(3) Their details are: (a) Address - Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF; (b) Helpline number - 0303 123 1113; (c) ICO website - "https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/"
13.1 Cezanne HR
Our employee management system.
13.2 Cezanne HR Hosting
Hosting information.
13.3 Teamtailor Recruitment
Our recruitment system.
Teamtailor ™ - Next Generation ATS & Employer Branding
13.4 Data Protection Act 2018
Contains additional rules to support the UK GDPR.
13.5 ENSEK Ltd
The processor of your data.
13.6 ICO | Complaints Page
Page for making a complaint to the ICO.
13.7 ICO | Your Rights
ICO page on your rights.
13.8 Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
The UK regulator of privacy laws.
13.9 ISO 27001
International security controls standard.
13.10 ISO 27701
International personal data management controls standard.
13.11 Limitation Act 1980
Legal limitation periods for bringing a claim in court.
13.12 Microsoft 365
Our back office business tools for email, messaging, calling, and file creation, storage and editing.
13.13 UK GDPR
The UK's copy of the GDPR following BREXIT.
13.14 UK GDPR | Article 13
The provision of the GDPR requiring this notice.
13.15 UK GDPR | Article 14
The provision of the GDPR requiring this notice.
13.16 UK GDPR | Data Protection Principles
The fundamental rules we have to follow when processing your data.
13.17 UK GDPR | Lawful Basis
We must satisfy one of the grounds in this article to be able to process your data.